Category: Uncategorized

  • Ready to go again

    After a sandwich, some exercice, a nap and a good size jar of water I’m ready to go again! πŸ™‚

  • Does anyone really type out by hand CSS?

    Do they really do this? If so I’d love to see it! They must be super amazing! πŸ˜€

  • Spirint Broadband

    Work got me the Sprint Broadband (USB one) and so far I’ve been really happy with it. Today Wi-Fi here at the office has been giving me problems so I just plugged that in and I can hardly tell the difference. I can even stream Rhapsody content while I’m uploading files via FTP and surfing…

  • Been awhile since I posted

    Well it’s been awhile since I’ve posted here. I’ve got an xanga account that I post to quite a bit. But I’ve decided I’m going to start using this one too. Xanga is more for my close friends. This one will be more to the world from now on. Random ramblings I guess.

  • Lunch, Chili’s, Joe and Jeremy…

    Had lunch today with Joe and Jeremy at Chili’s. Good food, fun and fellowship. Yup, I’m bored… I’m the last person in the office. One of the avionics guys are still here and a student is waiting for his instructor to come in. Today has been a pretty laid back one. Tomorrow I’ll work with…

  • The rest of the speakers…

    The rest of the speakers for the convention were… Thursday PM – Brother John McFadden Friday PM – Brother Brian Freeborn Saturday PM -Brother Billy Wiggins Sunday AM – Brother Neil Murray Then Sunday evening we went to Catalina Bibleway for their service. Brother Billy Wiggins preached there. Monday night at Phoenix Christian Assembly Brother…

  • Time goes on…

    Well a lot has been happening. Austin and I spent all of last week with Brother Howard Searle, Brother Brian Freeborn and the rest of the folks from New Zealand. We drove the van for them and visited the Grand Canyon, Sedona and attended 4 services. We had a blast. I had really wanted to…

  • The Speakers

    Well last night was incredible! All the services have been good. Here is who has preached so far… (don’t mind the spelling of the names, if someone knows how comment). Wednesday PM – Brother Howard SearleTuesday PM -Brother Kelly HildebrandtMonday PM – Brother Kevin Cassidor and Brother Billy WigginsSunday PM – Brother RodriguesSunday AM –…

  • Good Times!

    Wow! Time sure flies. Seems like two days ago that I did the last entry here (not four). Saturday Austin and I spent most of our day at the church getting ready for the convention. Tonight will be the fourth service. Every service has been tremendous. I’d tell you all who preached but I’d probably…

  • God is good all the time!

    God is good! And I’m pretty excited now! We are now down to single digit vacancy numbers. 9 to go. I was really surprised that we got this apartment ready so fast. I thought we’d be past Christmas working on it. But we’ll be starting that big project it looks like on Monday. WooHoo! I’m…