Month: December 2005

  • The Speakers

    Well last night was incredible! All the services have been good. Here is who has preached so far… (don’t mind the spelling of the names, if someone knows how comment). Wednesday PM – Brother Howard SearleTuesday PM -Brother Kelly HildebrandtMonday PM – Brother Kevin Cassidor and Brother Billy WigginsSunday PM – Brother RodriguesSunday AM –…

  • Good Times!

    Wow! Time sure flies. Seems like two days ago that I did the last entry here (not four). Saturday Austin and I spent most of our day at the church getting ready for the convention. Tonight will be the fourth service. Every service has been tremendous. I’d tell you all who preached but I’d probably…

  • God is good all the time!

    God is good! And I’m pretty excited now! We are now down to single digit vacancy numbers. 9 to go. I was really surprised that we got this apartment ready so fast. I thought we’d be past Christmas working on it. But we’ll be starting that big project it looks like on Monday. WooHoo! I’m…

  • Roller Coasters…

    Life is like a roller coaster… sometimes it’s going down hill and at other times it’s going up. You’ve got the peaks and the valleys. Anyway today definitely was one of those days at the top of the mountain. Work went really well (no daydreaming today!!!) and everything else just went well. God is blessing…

  • Daydreaming…

    Well the last two days at work have been kind of difficult for me to concentrate on the job. I have been daydreaming way too much. Funny as Dad seems to think I’m doing great. :/ I know I could do better though. I mostly think about stupid things anyway. Need to get more into…