Category: Uncategorized

  • IE 7 Add on manager needs some serious improvement

    Where is the check-all boxes or uncheck all boxes at?

  • Blogger vs. Xanga

    Blogger is so much nicer because the absence of ads and a lot of other stuff that is pretty much useless on Xanga (or shall we say more of a time waster?). I think the simplicity of Blogger is what will keep me posting here. But the question is… do I tell everyone about it…

  • Caught some graffiters

    Earlier this afternoon Austin and I were out in front of my dad’s shop and we saw a couple of guys walk by and graffiti a sign. So Austin called the police and I started following them on foot. After a bit they got rather far down the road so I called the police. At…

  • Ron Paul Update

    So I’ve discovered that not all his supporters are all that great… they do some rather dumb stuff. And he doesn’t support Israel. But… I’ll be watching him more closely over the next few months…

  • Ron Paul for President…

    I don’t totally agree with Dr. Ron Paul but I have to say I’m rather impressed at a lot of what he stands for. Almost to a point I may vote for him in the primaries. But we’ll see. We have a ways to go before we get there. What do I not like about…

  • Driverless cars, and the fulfillment of William Branham’s 1933 prophecy

    Click on any of the following links to read about and watch fully driverless cars racing (and obeying all traffic laws) in Victorville California on November 3, 2007. (alternatively, copy the URL below into your browser). The BBC site also has three good videos to watch on the right side of the page)…

  • Google Reader

    Google Reader is a pretty nice tool to be able to keep in touch with a lot of news items at one time. I’ve never really been into RSS feeds but this looks like it might be more then a fad for me. We’ll see. I’m using it to track some industry and company blogs,…

  • New Scientist Full Access

    New Scientist is doing it too! I love it… I only have to read the first 3 paragraphs of the article and then I move on! What a time saver! I wish all news outlets did this! 😀

  • DARPA Urban Challenge continues

    I’m watching the live webcast of the DARPA Urban Challenge. Rather exciting! Considering what we know about what Brother Branham said about vehicles driving on the road by themselves.

  • Collaborative Problem Solving

    I envision a website/portal where people that have access to the internet can interact to solve problems. This idea is similar to what InnoCentive is doing but maybe not for the most elite of minds. Wikipedia was built with a lot less but with the masses. I need ideas to proceed with this concept. I…