Author: Jordan
Xanga and Comcast ~ Who’s problem?
From this page on 4. ALL XANGA EMAIL HAS BEEN BLOCKED BY YOUR ISP Because of the volume of subscription emails we send, the odds of a subscription email being erroneously reported as spam have gone up dramatically. Sometimes an ISP will take unwarranted action and block ALL emails. If you suspect this…
HP is losing me as a customer – it’s bigger then I have time to tell
I’m setting here waiting for a form to go through and I’m twitteling my thumbs so I thought I’d write something. And now it’s gone through! 😀 Maybe I should stop and go back to my work. Anyway, don’t buy an all in one HP printer (OfficeJet 6310xi to be exact). Junk! And oh, HP…
The language software engineers use…
As you start up larger more complex programs they usually go through a series of steps before you can use it. A couple of these messages while starting are rather comical.-Almost done…-Becoming ready… 😀
Microsoft, Adobe and Sony – How they are alienating their customers
I know, I know, this is more of a rant then anything worthwhile reading… but I have to get it off my chest. I’m really starting to dislike all companies that say they aren’t supporting Vista in their last non-Vista certified version. Microsoft comes out with Vista. We are a pretty decent fan of Microsoft…
CrossLoop – The next generation of tech support
I am thrilled at a new service called CrossLoop. It allows me to access and view the computer screen and use mouse and keyboard on someone else’ computer with their permission. Now this technology has already been around, but not in the simple form that I have found this to be in. This is great…
Our nation is really in trouble
This is really crazy. Charge a girl with a felony because she brought a stack knife to school to eat her lunch with?
And more of it!
This article says that Ron Paul brought in $6.6 million while others say $6 million (the official site says that). One commenter says that the largest fund raising day in history was $6.4 million. This is actually quite amazing… why is all this information so wrong (or shall we say different from each other)?
Des Moines Register Debate Part 1
Here are some reactions and thoughts I have to the debate yesterday (watching it online). On the first round of questions (30 seconds) Ron Paul was the first one to stay with in that limit. Maybe others did after him but I wasn’t keeping track real well. Someone that can’t answer a question within the…
Ancient flood brought Gulf Stream to a halt – earth – 06 December 2007 – New Scientist Environment
Ancient flood brought Gulf Stream to a halt – earth – 06 December 2007 – New Scientist Environment Well they are getting closer to realizing that the Flood did happen! 🙂
Peace like a river, love like a mountain. – Author?
I’m wondering who wrote the song… Peace like a river, love like a mountain.The wind of your spiritIs blowing everywhere.Joy like a fountain, Healing stream of life;Come holy Spirit, let your fire fall. Can’t find any details on it. Just a few places where the words are mentioned. Hmmmm… a bit more searching… and this…