Years ago I used to run the sound and screen all at the same time every once in awhile. About 6 months ago I ran it on a Sunday night all by myself and it wasn’t too bad. So I was kind of thinking… this shouldn’t be too hard… but I kind of forgot that it was a Sunday morning and it was Easter…. lol
But other then running it 6 months ago it has been probably a couple of years since I’ve done it by myself.
With me I have different levels of adrenaline when doing things. Most services aren’t more then a 2 or 3. The first night of HITD was a solid 10 with a few moments hitting an 11 or 12 (note that this is a scale from 1-10 🙂 ). This morning peaked to a good 8 or 9
Wednesday night was about an 8 too.
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